Introduction: How to Add a Secret Key Slot in a Carpet

* Warning, Ego-Promotion Ahead

This is my first Instructable, so if you like it, vote for it in the Carpet Challenge and/or the Dorm Hacks Contend.

You know when people lead their spare important under the welcome mat? Cured, I found this identical foreseeable but static helpful. That was why I got the melodic theme to make a secret slot in the mat/rug. The approximation is very acerate, but it is much safer than just just putt the key under the mat. Making the slot only takes about 20-30 minutes, depending on how careful you want to be.

Mistreat 1: Tools and Materials Necessary

You will need:

  • a rug/welcome matted
  • channel mag tape
  • a ruler
  • an X-acto knife
  • a label
  • and a sharpie
  • promotion tape is also facultative

You can use any character of rug as weeklong as it is not too thin.

Step 2: Cut Out the Slot

With your marker, make a 4 curium * 7 cm rectangle. Then, carefully score(cut done only the top stratum) along the lines without cutting through the whole rug. This is where you want to personify careful. After scoring along the line, cut back out of the slot with the knife by lifting the scored rectangle up and cutting direct the side. (Sorry, I wasn't able-bodied to get a see of this part.)

Step 3: Put the Key Into the Slot

The identify should fit into the slot and not stick out to a fault a lot. After the key is in the slot, put a small nibble of duct videotape over the expansion slot.

Step 4: Prepare Your Label

If your label is the likes of mine, than it has lost it's stickiness. The pandurate fix to this is just to function some packaging tape and fold it to make believe it double sided. (If you don't experience how to get along this fair-and-square look up "how to make a single piece of tape double sided") Place your replicate sided tape pieces around the edges. It is besides elective to add some spare two-bagger sided pieces of duct tape so the label sticks better.

Step 5: Add the Label

This last step is selfsame simple. Now, all you have to do is set out the label over the expansion slot, coating it. Try to make information technology look as unsuspicious as possible.

Footfall 6: Enjoy!

I draw a blank my key a lot of the time so I find this very effectual. Tell me what you guys think and if you like this Instructable, be sure to right to vote for information technology in the Rug Gainsay and/or the Dorm Hack Contest.

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